Sunday, March 29, 2009

Perez Hilton


Perez Hilton is some wannabe "Queen of media" who somehow gets paid to blog and appear Cool.

Yet all I see is some nobody living out his frustration on celebrities in a very public forum.

How does one get this? Why don't actual "normal-er" people get to do what he does and make ridiculous money? Wait, I take that back. Never, ever could I do what he does. I think that when I saw him post that Kate Moss was looking fat, any tiny amount of MAYBE respect left I had for him vanished.

Is THAT the message our generation wants to pass on to girls and young women? Jesus. I'd LOVE to be "Fat" like Kate!! And I'm not a fan of hers. She actually leaves me rather indifferent but come on. FAT??

He just basically goes around calling people names, spewing shit about people he's probably never met. AND. Getting money for it. Wtf??

Again, in no way am I qualified to judge anyone. And I don't know this person but it still irks the crap out of me to see this type of behaviour rewarded and encouraged.

If you were in the public light, would you not want to use every ounce of your "celebrity" to do GOOD??

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you, this person spend most of his time online talking about nothing really interesting, i think he's frustrated person that could never be known as he is now in other way, and he hides himself through that image of no-one-will-ever-beat-me-or-win-an-argument-with-me, but he must be really an insecure person.
