Thursday, April 30, 2009

Enough with the fear...(And a question)

This Swine Flu thing is just getting out of hand. Why do they feed so much on people's fear like this?? 2500 people a year die of Influenza in Canada alone.

When the whole SARS pandemic was going on, I flew my ass to China. This is almost like Y2K all over again. Everyone stop breathing, eating, living or you're going to die...

And of course, everyone is blaming well...everyone else. ::.Sigh::

On another topic, I'm watching something and I'm puzzled.

2 people adore each other, love each other. Then one day...poof. Gone. How does that happen? Do you truly ever stop loving someone? If you hate them, do you not love them in another sense? It's such a fine line...Indifference...that, is hell. For me anyway. Either way, how does it "Change"? and why?

Our children, we love them no matter what. No matter what. Correct? And even if some will say "Well, we create the children, they are a part of us" what of adopted children? I will adopt. And I will love that child no matter what. My blood? Nope. My child? You better fucking believe it. So...why does it change with lovers and spouses?

Perhaps I am stupid. I probably am.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Once a cheater, always a cheater?

True or false and do explain your answer.

I wish to see both sides of the spectrum.

Annie Duke

First off, I am not a fan of "reality tv" I never was.


One night, I still don't know how this happened, I tuned in to The Celebrity Apprentice. Jesse James, Joan and Melissa Rivers, Dennis Rodman...and Tboz...TBOZ!! (I love love love her) We have been hooked ever since.

From the first show I watched, Annie Duke was someone that I disliked. This "Champion" of poker who has only one bracelet, thinks so poorly of herself that she is reduced to fucking around with people's minds and trying to crush them at any cost. All with the excuse of this game being for charity therefore, she MUST win.

I'm very, very surprised to see that this person left presenting her phd one month before it's time to go But hey, whatever floats your boat. Shit I'm surprised she even had a masters. I digress.

So we're watching the show last night. And I swear, this chick is going on about how amazing she is blablabla. Then, Brandi-Payboy bimbo-is put on the spot. The Donald is all "Well you're beautiful, do you think it's easier for you to get what you want blablabla" she is all, nooo, I have to prove that I am smart all the time because everyone assumes that I'm not-boo hoo, weep, weep. And then..."Brandi, why did you not forgo (I forget what was said after)" and a blubbering Brandi goes "But I" ::.Bites lip:: Yes honey, you are very intelligent and got to where you are on your brains only ::.Bends over to read that brand on those knee pads. WHAT...I want to be....fashionable!!::


So Melissa Rivers is voted off, she goes on a hysterical rampage. Joan gets all pissed off and gets into her own hysterics and the show is over.

BTW, don't you think that Clint Black looks like George W Bush?-End of random thought-

So this Duke chick is all "I'm so great, I'm wonderful, I did everything." I'm sitting there poor woman. You feel so badly about yourself that you are reduced to this. To being a two faced bitch on some "celebrity" game show trying to prove to the world that you're worth more than what you yourself believe. Well, you are a poker player. But it looks like you are just so whipped at home, that all of a sudden you see some type of opening to power and go nuts with it. Lying and cheating. Nice example for your 4 children.

The point is, S and I were arguying about the show, which was actually pretty humorous when you think about it, for about 30 minutes afterwards.

As a side note, I must say, congrats to Ivanka and Donnie Jr's. parents. Those 2 seem like very well rounded, intelligent and EDUCATED people. Unlike Paris Hilton and other rich kids, these 2 really, really seem to have heads on their shoulders. Kudos to the Trumps...or their nannies.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I've endured all types of pain since I was a child.

Physical was never an issue as I grew cold and insensitive to it very quickly, not by choice.

But today, for the first time in...I can't remember really, I seriously thought that I would die. Or throw up which equals death for me. Emetophobia yes. Phobia #3 in most common phobias.

Anyway. Death scares me. Scares the shit out of me. Is it because it is something that I have no control over? That is for another therapy session.

I can't believe in nothingness. I don't want to. When I was a child, I would make myself sick trying to "pretend that I do not exist". So I take the pain instead. And some Tylenol 3 that are kicking my ass to no end.

Yesterday, a man started to tell me how much God loves me. How important I am to the world. That I am worth something. Everything. And I wept. Because I feel none of it. Maybe I fear it. I wish I could make it all tangible. Maybe then, I would understand or believe it.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Perez Hilton. Again

First. I wish no ill will to anyone. Ever.

Except maybe child killers/molesters but that's another story.

Perez Hilton is (Please forgive my coming outburt) a fucking asshole.

You know, it's fine, he wants to laugh at celebrities because he cannot be anything else than some dumb shit on the outside looking in. Fine. Fine. Whatever. I'm still annoyed at the whole "Kate Moss is FAT" crap and him laughing at Lindsay Lohan egging her on to kill herself (I am a fan of neither but I mean come on...)

But today, the prick puts up a video of a mentally challenged girl, singing one of her favourite songs and laughs about it. For everyone to see!

I know, some will say "Well...she put it on the web so it's her fault"

Putting it online is one thing. Probably just for her, her friends, family, whatever. But I mean...this guy gets how many hits a day??

Urgh!! I don't believe in violence but I'd love to pop him in the face a few times.

Ok I need to shut up now before I really say something I will regret.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

True Talent


Those of you who know me (Indeed, I need to actually POST this link on my shit don't I. And I have to give that shit for people to read haha oi) know that I can't listen to Whitney Houston because of my damn perfect pitch.

I can't listen to uhm...well alot of people especially all the pop stuff.

Here is a musician. A real one. No protools, no offkey ear bleeding shit.

I posted about Novel a while ago (Here, twit-I need to send this to people I know-Facebook, myspace) can you tell that he is my favourite musical discovery this year? I think I'm more excited about him than I was about Poe. I said no to David Usher to record some tracks but for Novel? ANY day. Too bad the cello isn't used much in his style of music. ::.Smirk::

Listen and love it.


Poor T is sick. Again. There is nothing worse than seeing your child sick and knowing that there is nothing you can do to soothe her/him.

T on the other hand, is running around like a maniac and singing her heart out. Tonight will be long however. I have a feeling her highness will end up in my bed again.

So there is this documentary coming on Discovery Health called "I didn't know I was pregnant"
This absolutely boggles my mind.

Though I was blessed with only nausea and no morning sickness, the entire time I was pregnant, I was very much aware of it. Actually, I knew before the test told me and it had nothing to do with counting Ovulations and late days.

I don't care how fat (It appears to occur mostly in overweight women) dude...that's a human inside of you. "I just thought it was bad gas" WTF have YOU been eating?? The lack of a normal cycle should also tell you

I know that I am not qualified to judge anyone but Jesus...

All of this "reality" show shit is getting on my nerves. I get laughed at for watching Nascar as it is considered a "redneck" event. Uhm. Alright. And what do you think that crap is?

I've also come to a conclusion. Nascar is like non classical-instrumental music. F1 people (Now, now, chillax, I'm not saying ALL of them) remind me of the wannabes who go to the symphony. Walking around trying to sound intelligent and holier than thou for being at the symphony and NOT at a Kid Rock concert (Have you ever heard him in an interview? He's actually very, very interesting) Or lets say...Alice Cooper. The man is brilliant. Do I think his music is amazing?? No. But he certainly is brilliant.

Angele Dubeau?? God what a fucking twit. Master Starker had asked me to sit in on a master class of hers as I would be able to greet her in french. Even though I'm a cellist and not a violinist, there were certainly many things that I could learn. Right?? of the first things that came out of her mouth to a student was "How can you not enjoy Stravinsky? You have no class and no taste" Wtf?? Music is subjective!! That's the whole POINT. She could tell me that Beethoven's 9th, 3rd movement, 5th measure starts with an F# but she couldn't name one Johnny Cash song. Aren't you supposed to be interested in ALL music?? You don't have to like it but you should be aware of

Back to racing;
I hear "Nascar is just about driving around in circles. It's stupid and boring."
Hmmm...and for the past 10 years, F1 has been about Schumacher winning...everything. Boring.
There actually IS a strategy to Nascar. And I'm sorry but just trying to understand the drivers and the commentators with their accents is worth it ::.Smirk::

Why am I saying all of this? Not sure. I'm still trying to finish up my first panel for the first webcast in June. So far, Mr. Kenny Wallace (I love you man)will be there, writer, 2 lovely gentlemen from one of the major sports networks and the boys.

Have to reach Jason (Ex NFL player) and a few music industry peeps who owe mama some favours. But I'm excited :)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

I've changed my mind on the number of races on this planet

There are 2.

The human race.

The fucktard race.

::.Grins:: Admit it. You like the word fucktard just as much as I do.

Pop Quiz

If I told you who I really am. That I am famous, infamous, invisible, or alien.

Would my voice have more weight??

Why would it? Why would it not?


You work your entire life to leave your children a legacy. Save up your pennies, invest in all types of enterprises.

Yet the legacy that you leave ARE your children.

Spend less time trying to make that million and spend more time adoring your children. Teach them to be good and fair. one hell of a legacy to leave.

Cold hard cash vs a beautiful, true soul. Choice is easy isn't it??

Friday, April 3, 2009


How I've missed you.

Novel. Not your usual Elitist, Bach loving snotty crap you would normally hear me talking about right? I prefer Chopin but you get what I mean.

This man. Mmm. I pray, I seriously pray that he is not a product of protooling. That remains to be seen. But in the meantime, here is a baby Tupac/Jamiroquai/Old soul taste of what is yet to come. I can't wait for the EP.

And now back to Seal and the Soul album.

No one is reading but one day, I will come back and laugh I am sure.