Monday, November 9, 2009


Being canned does not help one with depression. Not receiving a call back from your recruiter either. Being stone walled by HR is starting to piss me off more and more and I just want it all overwith. Just give me my money and fuck off.

And the more saturday draws near, the more that I just want my inlaws to arrive. T needs strong support, though I try to be that for her, I know that I am failing. My mother has been sick for 13 days and I still cannot visit with her and I am worried. T is trying to be good but I know that she feels the anxiety that is screaming to flood out of me. S is not sleeping or eating very well. I just really want this overwith...

I feel very, very alone. Who would want to hear self pity moaning anyway. So I jsut bitch in here and hope that this will pass. But the isolation doesn't go away...


  1. ((Hugs)) my friend. Thinking of you!!!

  2. :hugs: I'm crossing everything for you that you find something else soon.

  3. I am sending positive vibes and thoughts your way. I love ya girl and hope that things become less stressful for you soon.
